Monday, 23 February 2015

Being Head Happy


So usually my Monday post is a fashion focused one, however this week is going to be a bit of an exception. 

Recently, I haven't been sticking to the structure I'd set myself for certain posts. I'm not sure if this blog is big enough for anyone to notice, but I do worry. 

I mentioned in my recent Me-Time post that I struggle to relax mentally as a result of being a blogger, and not only did a few of you agree with me, but I've seen so many other bloggers say the same. 

London Fashion Week is in full swing, with many major bloggers attending. For bloggers aspiring to reach that established stage, it's a week which brings out both envy and motivation in regards to you and your blog's success. 

But just yesterday on Instagram, I saw one blogger say:
' I'm not feeling great so I'm deciding to put my (mental) health first and go home early and not go to the rest of LFW [...] After all, mental health is just as, if not more important than physical'. 

I fell in love with this blogger for being honest enough to not only speak out about this, but actively remove herself from a situation that was having a negative effect on her mental health. 

We all know that mental health doesn't get enough recognition these days, but my god is it important. 

Even if it's something like not committing to a certain planned post for the time being because you're just not in the right frame of mind, it's important that we take notice of what's going on in our own heads and take necessary steps to prevent increasing negativity. 

So yes, that is why today's post isn't its usual, and it makes me sad that bloggers who are more established who do the same feel the need to apologise to their readers or go forward with something that will make them unhappy. 

Blogging is actually one of the most stressful things I've taken up, and as much as I love it, I'm aware that I need to keep on top of where my head is at in regards to critiquing myself, pushing myself further and of course doubt. 

I'm not claiming to be an expert. Actually quite the opposite. I have no idea how to stem the doubt and the anxiety surrounding trying improve on something I and I alone have created and am responsible for.  

All I'm saying is that I think we should be aware of these thoughts when we have them. Whether it's seeing bloggers on Instagram having a ball at LFW and doubting your ability to get to that stage, or actually being in the midst of a fashion event or post and not feeling yourself mentally, we shouldn't feel guilty for taking steps towards removing ourselves from that negative mentality. 

So here's to making our head happiness a priority!


  1. Randomly found your blog and can’t express how I like it! It was so interesting to read your posts and also I’d like to say that you have beautiful photos! I’ll be happy to see you in my blog!)

    p.s. new post - how I met Victoria Beckham

    Diana Cloudlet

  2. Love your hair and purple eyeliner ♥

  3. I'm really happy to see this post as it's something I'm having to do myself. I'm really bad at switching off and not worrying about posting. But I've realised that I've never actually stated any kind of posting schedule publicly, all my rules and schedules are self imposed, and my readers probably won't mind if I take a week off sometimes. Besides, I think happy, healthy bloggers produce better posts! It's hard to have enthusiasm or be creative if you're stressed and upset.

    1. Thank you lovely. I think it's something that's so important for people to start discussing openly. Stress and anxiety and depression can have such a damaging effect on you and of course it's going to reflect on your blog.
      Us bloggers put so much pressure on ourselves don't we?

      I had someone mention that there should be a blogger retreat just for stressed out bloggers haha.

      x x x

  4. Great post! I work 39 hours a week, and I freelance for a fair few clients. I have a travel addiction, so for money reasons, these things come first (even though, as a full time Content/PR person, I am fortunate to sometimes be able to combine the two!). I also volunteer with two different charities, cover gigs for a music magazine, run marketing for my boyfriend's successful clothing line, and I travel out of town at least once or twice a week because I get bored.

    Then of course, there's my blog. I don't even write schedules right now because it's too stressful! It's *my* blog and I don't really think I have people waiting for me to do something on a certain day! I'd rather just wait until I'm truly excited or impassioned by something, so it doesn't feel like a chore.

    There's nothing wrong with that my lovely, do what makes you happy, and thanks for posting! xxx
