Tuesday 13 January 2015

What I Got For Christmas

Christmas Gift Ideas. Purple Hair. Christmas Presents

Almost three weeks later, and I finally have all my Christmas presents. I wanted to do this 'What I Got for Christmas' post a lot earlier, but a heavy-handed courier and a fragile present meant I had to put it on hold for a bit *shakes fist and hopes the courier feels my disgruntlement* My main presents this year were Foo Fighters tickets for me and the rest of the family, and my trip to Prague (which I've probably bored you to death with by now), but I still got some pretty awesome presents from family, friends and the boyfriend which I thought I'd share. It might give you some nifty gift ideas for any sneaky post-Christmas birthdays that might be coming up.

Taxidermy Bird Skull on Gothic Picture Frame. Christmas Gift Ideas.
You've probably picked up from my Outfit of the Day posts that I like to revel in the dark side every now and then. But my love of the Gothic doesn't stop at fashion, and judging by this present from the boyfriend, he's picked up on it. I've got a real morbid curiosity when it comes to taxidermy and the creative ways in which they can become pieces of art. This is a brilliant example. I don't know where the boyfriend found them, but I know they're handmade. I actually want a headpiece like that for myself. This was the 'fragile present' that the courier broke, so the seller offered to send replacement, but the boyfriend's mum (bless her) sat down and glued back together the other one, so now I have two. You can find things similar all over the internet. Etsy is probably a good place to start. 
Tesco Spreads and Rowntrees Sweets. Christmas Gift Ideas
 Because of the courier incident, the boyfriend wanted me to have something to open, so he got me these goodies. If you haven't tried these spreads, throw your New Year diet to one side and dive in. They're worth it. I also have a massive penchant for sour sweets (my poor teeth), so even though my diet started a week ago, it might have to go on hold while I demolish these. 

The Great British Bake Off Big Book of Baking and Silicone Cupcake Cases. Christmas Gift Ideas
 Word's got around that I do a spot of baking every now and then. So I was incredibly grateful to get these baking bits. The Bake Off book is incredible. Not only does it have some of the signature bakes from the actual show, but interviews with last year's contestants. And I don't know how I ever coped without silicone cupcake cases. What a brilliant idea. 
Soap & Glory Moisturisers. The Sanctuary Body Scrub. Hugo Boss Sunset. Christmas Gift Ideas
 For me, beautie tidbits are always well received. Everyone loves a bit of Soap & Glory. They're definitely one of my staple beauty brands. With the amount of moisturisers I've accumulated over the years I should be slippin' and slidin' off everything. 
Urban Outfitters Nail Varnish. Ring Holders. Rebel Ocean Antler Ring
 You've probably seen this Rebel Ocean ring popping up in a few of my Outfit of the Day posts recently. I think I've worn it everyday since I opened it. And to go with it, the boyfriend's mum also got me two little ring holders in the shape of a cat and dog. My lovely friend Chloe also got me a stunning pink and black sequin nail varnish from Urban Outfitters. I've never tried their nail varnish's before, but this one is right up my street. 
Alice in Wonderland mug, Primark Christmas Pug Socks, slippers, Sailor Jerry's Spiced Rum, lace make-up bag. Christmas Gift Ideas.
 PUG SOCKS! My stash of Pug and Alice in Wonderland paraphernalia is forever growing. I do love the artwork on this Alice in Wonderland mug. It's so unique and it's nice to have something with a character other than Alice / the Mad Hatter on. I was so grateful for the slippers and make-up bag. I was getting quite sick of cold toes and make-up spilling out from every nook and cranny. I also thing the cheeky bottle of Sailor Jerry's in the background is a perfect filler for the mug. 
Colour Couture Ultimate Nails Collection. Christmas Gift Ideas
 Speaking of make-up, I think I now own every single piece of the Colour Couture collection. These are a mixture of nail and make-up kits that I' m hoping to review in the near future. I should be a nail art novice by the time I've finished. 
Jack the Ripper London Walking Tour, Les Enfants Terrible Alice's Adventures Underground, Matthew Bourne's Edward Scissorhands. Christmas Gift Ideas.
These are some of my favourite presents, simply because of the memories they'll create. On the left are tickets to a Jack the Ripper Secret London Walking Tour. Again, my morbid curiosity squealed with excitement. I'm fascinated with the twists and turns of the Jack the Ripper case, so to actually explore areas in London that are related to the crimes will be so interesting. 
To say the boyfriend did well this year is an understatement. He also got me tickets to Les Enfants Terrible's Alice's Adventures Underground, which is an immersive theatre event. SO.EXCITED. I've been to an immersive theatre event before and I will never forget it. I'm so intrigued to see how they do this. 
Last but most certainly not least, my grandparents got me and my mum tickets to see Matthew Bourne's Edward Scissorhands at Milton Keynes theatre. I'm in love with Matthew Bourne. I've already seen his Sleeping Beauty and Swan Lake and they were stunning. He's known for his contemporary adaptations which are played out to the original score's, so it will be magical hear Danny Elfman's score in a theatre environment. 


  1. Great gifts! I've been wanting to share my Christmas posts, but not too sure. Either way, I loved seeing your gifts! x

    1. Thank you! You should go for it. It's something a little more personal, and a nice way of saying a thank you for all the gifts you received x x x

  2. the alice in wonderland mug and rebel ocean ring are amazing, you got some lovely presents! x

    // The Dress Diaries

    1. AWW thank you! I'm gonna have to quiz my mum as to where she bought it and hope she'll tell me. I want the whole collection. x x x
