Monday, 1 December 2014


The countdown to Christmas officially begins! 

So against my better judgement, I've decided to take part in #Blogmas, an online blogger event where us bloggers write a Christmas themed post every day of the month. Lord knows how I'm going to come up with so much content so last minute, but I'll give it a go! . 

Now that December is here, I feel like I can truly let out my excitement for this holiday. I'm so behind on present buying, and am feeling the stress more than I am the magic, however Mum brought me home a new Christmas stocking today handmade by one of her friends which really got me in the mood (the one on the left in the picture above). 

In among all the commercialism of Christmas, it's the sentimental, homemade efforts that mean a lot to me. Our Christmas tree is always made up of mismatched decorations full of memories and nostalgia, and each year I look forward to creating more of those memories with the people I love, and sharing them with you guys. 

From Christmas beauty buys to an insight into mine and the boyfriend's trip to Prague's Christmas markets, I sincerely hope you'll join me this blogmas. 

I would love to hear from you if there's any particular posts you'd like to see. I really am short for ideas. Eeek. 

1 comment :

  1. awesome first post !! I a doing blogmas too, check out my first post
